Thursday 24 November 2011


I can see that solid has a definite for everything and has low expansion and has no compression.Gas has a lot of states of matter indefinite. Its expansion is real large and is compressed. Liquid has. Liquid has 2 Definite and its shape is indefinite. Its expansion is slightly and its low compressed. All of them are different but all of them form matter witch is stuff.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Current Event 8

Battery Lasts A Week After Charging 15 Minuets
Nic Halverson
Discovery News
Nov 22 2011

Can you imagine a battery that you need to charge for 15 min and can hold up to over one week.Isn't it incredible what new stuff technologists have discovered. But Imagine plugging your phone for 15 min and then having it for the rest of the week with not caring about how much it charges. According to the engineers at North West University have invented such a thing. They've created an electrode for lithium-ion batteries that extends their lasting life by ten times after only charging them for one-tenth of the time it normally takes. After charging it 150 times witch would be a year it is still more efficient then a normal lithium-ion batteries.
Lithium-ion batteries in our devices have two major flaws: limited energy capacity and a slower-than-molasis recharge rate. This electrode eliminates these problems.

How could this be good/bad for the society? It is actually really really good because now people don't have problem charging their batteries all day long.

How did you find it?I was looking on the Discovery News and suddenly I stumbled over this very interesting article about batteries.

Did it come from a reliable resource? Yes,for sure Discovery is one of the most interesting things that is on the internet it is also safe and has a lot of reliable articles.

Why did you chose it? I chose it because I wanted to see if this is really true because I have a lot of problems with charging because sometimes I forget or sometimes its not on average but with this I can work all School week and still charge it in the weekend.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Current Event 7

Italy crisis: President holds talks to find new leader 

Source: Internet  
Data:13 November 2011 


Italy's President Giorgio Napolitano is holding a series of meetings with senior politicians to try to agree on a new caretaker government. People hope that the new government will be named before the worlds financial markets re-open. Ex Eu commissioner Mario Monti remains to take the top job. The new prime minister will be responsible for implementing austerity measures aimed at tackling Italy's debt crisis, which last week saw its cost of borrowing rise to record levels. Mr Berlusconi degraded his parliamentary   

majority and made a promise to resign  once measures demanded by the EU and designed to restore markets. A lot of crowds start to protest and they also want to build a new government that might cost over 50 million. It is said that people are freaking out about this because the country will be in more debts and might not pay it back in three or more years. 

How did you find it? I was looking on BBC and then it was the first thing I saw and I thought what a good article. 

How do you Know it was reliable? BBC always gives reliable facts and articles because they also have a TV channel and a news channel so that means they have to be reliable and they are reliable. 

How did you feel reading it? I thought it is not fare to the Italian Society that they have to live like this only because their government is spending and spending money. 

Why did you chose this article? I chose it because I never chose a article about governments and crises and all those stuff that other people have to deal with in their countries and what they need to to about it and what the government is doing wrong.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Current Event 6

Syria unrest: activists say 20 killed in Homs  


Tanks have started to gunfire through out Syria in the city of Homs. At least 20 people were killed. It is not only there people reported violence also in other parts of the city.  The human rights observatory said that Baba Amr district came firing on Thursday. It comes a day after the authorities in Damascus agreed that to an Arab league plan calling on the government to pull the militarism out of the city. The plan cause Syria to withdraw all troops from all urban areas the killing. The Arab league said Damascus had agreed to let free all the politic prisoners. The Syrian government also said it would allow journalists, rights groups and Arab League representatives to monitor the situation in the country.

How could this be good/bad for the society? It affects Syria because there is war going on, on the streets and people get killed on the streets and maybe in their house/apartment. 

Did it come from a reliable resource? Yes BBC is one of the most reliable I now because it always has good info and the most current events. 

How did you find it? I was searching and my mom told me go on BBC maybe there could be something good so I went and found this great article. 

What did you learn?I learned that there is street fights going on in Syria and that people are losing their life fighting for their own government.

Monday 31 October 2011

Current event 5


Nasa has finally found out how the first SuperNova occurred. The US agency said that Monday Spitzer Space Telescope found out that 2000 years ago Chinese Astronomers witnessed what turned out to be an exploding star. The findings show that the stellar explosion took place in a hollowed out cavity allowing material expelled by the star to travel much faster. Astronomers thought it would be at least three times bigger then they expected. In 185A.D astronomers saw a star in the sky that stayed there 8 months but in 1965 they determined that it actually was a SuperNova. 

How could this be good/bad for the society? Its not good or bad its actually good to know that Super Novas were discovered and more stuff about them. 

How did you find it? I actually had nothing to find so I thought space was a good thin to write about. 

Did it come from a reliable resource? Yes, Discovery is really reliable and has really interesting and cool stuff about everything all the time. 

What did you learn?  I learned that SuperNovas were discovered by the chinese and that they were discovered after A.D

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Current Event 4

Strange Life Found in Deepest Ocean

Scientists are studying the deepest part of the ocean. It is called Mariana Trench. These animals I'm going t talk about xenophyophores. They are spotted in San Diego,Mariana Trench beneath 6.6 miles. They are a very interesting type of sea creatures and are highly adapted to extreme conditions. These small creatures are among the largest individual cells in existence. They usually grow bigger than 4 inches.Rapping particals from the H2O, xenophyophores can focus at high levels of lead, uranium and mercury and are thus likely highly resistant to gigantic doses of heavy metals. 

1. How could this be good or bad for the society? It is actually neutral for now.  

2.How did you find it? I was looking at the animals bar on Discovery and actually "deepest" took my attention.

3.Did it come from a reliable resource? Yes, Discovery is sometimes my last chance and I always find good articles 

4.What did you learn? I learned what the deepest ocean was. 

URL : 

Monday 10 October 2011

Current Event 3

Tittle: Seven Supernovas Found in One Galaxy  
Author:Andrew Fazekas 

Some space satellite was able to find 7 different supernovas, it is impressive to have that many supernovas in 1 galaxy. The galaxy was Arp 220, Arp is 250 Million light years away. It is know that Arp 220 formed from the merger of two smaller galaxies and is well known to host a very intense burst of star formation, easily seen in visible wavelengths.Arp 220 Is causing many star deaths.Each of the supernovae found in Arp 220 spans less than a light-year, and at such a great distance, each radio signal covers an angle in the sky less than 0.5 milliarcseconds across, Batejat said. 


1.How could this be good or bad for the society? It does not affect the humans. It affects the stars because ARP 220has some special explosives. 

2.Why did you chose this article. I thought it amazing that people could go 250 million light years away and that there are 7 supernovas in a galaxy.  

3.How did you find it? I was looking on the front page of National Geo and I thought it was pretty cool. 

4.What did you learn?  I learned that there can be more then 7 supernovas in a galaxy and that the galaxy ARP220 exists 

Resource: National Geo

Monday 3 October 2011

Current Event 2

Title:Mercury:The Little Planet Full of Surprise
Author:Irene Klotz
Date:Thu September 29, 2011 02:00 PM ET
This report is about how a space craft went to mercury to see what is happening on mercury it came back and gave more information. Mercury has a large iron core. Mercury seems to have created the same way as: Mars, Venus and earth. Mercury has immense lava flows that dumped miles of molten rock over gigantic territories of the planet. The Space Craft from NASA Show a new type of land form.
Volatile sources seem to be transforming from solid to gas. On Venus they find that volatile materials, such as potassium and sulphur which would be lost as temperatures spiked under either scenario are present on the planet today. There is also geological evidence for immense outpouring of lava that inundates the large areas of Mercury It is more then several miles deep. The rock was so hot it created channels that went on surface.

Paragraph 2:
1.How could it be good or bad for the society? It actually does not affect us people. This report had nothing to do with good and bad it was just a normal paragraph. 
2.What did you learn? I learned that this planet named Mercury is quite different the Earth. There is continuous lava flowing over half of the planet. It has resources and its core is made out of iron.
3.How did you find it? I like space and Discovery Channel. I was looking at the "Space" bar and found it. I thought it was pretty distinct. I have never done a Current Event about space.
4.Did it come from a reliable resource? Yes indeed it did, I can always count on Discovery  because its not the first time I use it. It always gives clear info.

Monday 26 September 2011


Title:Giant Jellyfish Invasion
Author: Ruth A.Musgrave
Summery: The story talks about how these giant jelly fish attacked the seas of China and Japan.
The people are frightened of them because if they sting you you could die. They weight about 200 Kilograms.They can grow up to 6.5 meters and they grow up to 2 meters wide. These vast type of species are causing the fisherman problems because they are electrocuting the fisherman's net and spreading toxic substances.
Another theory suggests that seas heated by global warming are better suited for breeding, turning the Nomura's otherwise modest numbers into an armada.
These huge creatures can burst through fishing nets, as well as destroy local fisheries with their taste for fish eggs and larvae.

How could this be bad o god for the society? It is really bad because these creatures kill people and demolish the fisherman's net.

What did you learn? I learned that there are bigger and more dangerous jellyfish then I though. First I thought that the biggest jellyfish were 1.5 meters big.

How did you find it? I found it by National Geo. I didn't find anything before. I was looking and looking and then i found it and I thought it was scientific and cool.

 Bib: and

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Scientific Summer

This summer I have driven  the motor cross really fast. I did tricks and jumps and went really fast. I have had balance and I didn't fall.


What I think is scientific at motocross is that you have to hold your balance . It is also about the g-force. G-force is when you hit a curve how much you go in .

Friday 26 August 2011

First Post

Hey guys,
Welcome to Alex's "Science Blog".

1. I want to work a lot this year .
2. I want to have fun.
3. I want to learn about solar system.