Monday 31 October 2011

Current event 5


Nasa has finally found out how the first SuperNova occurred. The US agency said that Monday Spitzer Space Telescope found out that 2000 years ago Chinese Astronomers witnessed what turned out to be an exploding star. The findings show that the stellar explosion took place in a hollowed out cavity allowing material expelled by the star to travel much faster. Astronomers thought it would be at least three times bigger then they expected. In 185A.D astronomers saw a star in the sky that stayed there 8 months but in 1965 they determined that it actually was a SuperNova. 

How could this be good/bad for the society? Its not good or bad its actually good to know that Super Novas were discovered and more stuff about them. 

How did you find it? I actually had nothing to find so I thought space was a good thin to write about. 

Did it come from a reliable resource? Yes, Discovery is really reliable and has really interesting and cool stuff about everything all the time. 

What did you learn?  I learned that SuperNovas were discovered by the chinese and that they were discovered after A.D

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